Have Fun Learning Japanese


Counting in Japanese

At AKK&W, you will learn a lot about the different styles we off and how everything fits together, you will also learn some Japanese terminology as well. Counting in Japanese is only the start of what you will learn in class. Counting is a big part of every class, so here is a sample of counting to 10 in Japanese.

0 Rei - "Ray"

1 Ichi - "Each"

2 Ni - "Knee"

3 San "Sahn"

4 Shi - or Yon "She" or "Yawn"

5 Go - "Go"

6 Roku - "Row-koo"

7 Shichi - "She-chee"

8 Hachi - "Ha-chee"

9 Kyu - "Koo"

10 Ju - "Jew"

Terry Riggle